Clay Pit State Vehicular Recreation Area

Clay Pit State Vehicular Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:3 miles west of Oroville; west of Highway 70 on Oroville Dam Boulevard(Highway 162), then 2 miles south on Larkin Road to entrance.
Facilities:Trails and dirt roads, rifle range.
Activities:ORV riding, target practice.
Special Features:Clay used to build the Lake Oroville impoundment was taken from this site in the Feather River Valley. The resulting depression—a large shallow pit ringed with low hills—provides good beginner terrain for off-road motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, and dune buggy enthusiasts.
Address:c/o Northern Buttes District Office
400 Glen Dr
Oroville, CA 95966

Size: 220 acres.

See other parks in California.