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DictionarySeefissureBroca's fissure
fissure (fish'ur) [L. fissura, cleft] 1. A groove, natural division, cleft, slit, or deep furrow in the brain, liver, spinal cord, and other organs. Synonym: fissura; sulcus2. An ulcer or cracklike sore. 3. A break in the enamel of a tooth. fissural, adjectiveanal fissureA painful linear ulcer on the margin of the anus. It is a common problem in infancy and fairly common in constipated adults. Patient careConservative, nonoperative care heals most anal fissures. Patients should be advised to drink a lot of water to lubricate stools, adopt a high-fiber diet, and take a stool softener to ease the passage of stool. Sitting in a warm bath several times a day may help relax the anal sphincters. Medicated creams or ointments may provide topical anesthesia to the anus. Patients who do not improve with medical therapies may require local injection of botulinum toxin to relax the sphincters or surgery to repair chronic fissures. anterior median fissureIn the spinal cord, the groove that runs along the ventral midline.auricular fissureA fissure of the petrous portion of the temporal bone.branchial fissure See: cleftBroca's fissure See: Broca, Pierre-PaulBurdach's fissure See: Burdach, Karlcalcarine fissureThe fissure extending from the occipital end of the cerebrum to the occipitoparietal fissure.callosomarginal fissureA conspicuous fissure in the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere running above and concentric with the curved upper surface of the corpus callosum.central fissureRolando fissure.cerebellar fissureA fissure that consists of five deep horizontal (transverse) grooves that separate the cerebellum into its lobes and lobules. Clevenger fissure See: Clevenger fissurecollateral fissureThe fissure on the inferior surface of the cerebral hemisphere separating the subcalcarine and subcollateral gyri. glaserian fissureA narrow slit posterior to the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone. The chorda tympani nerve passes through it. Henle fissure See: Henle, Friedrich J.hippocampal fissureThe fissure extending from the posterior part of the corpus callosum to the tip of the temporal lobe of the brain. horizontal fissureTransverse fissure (3).inferior orbital fissureThe fissure at the apex of the orbit through which the infraorbital blood vessels and maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve pass.interparietal fissureIntraparietal sulcus.lateral fissureFissure of Sylvius.longitudinal fissure1. The fissure on the lower surface of the liver.2. A fissure that separates the cerebral hemispheres. The corpus callosum, which connects the hemispheres, is at the base of the fissure. oblique fissure of lungIn each lung, the deep groove separating the bottom and side of the upper lobe from the top and side of the lower lobe. occipitoparietal fissureThe fissure between the occipital and parietal lobes of the brain.palpebral fissureThe opening separating the upper and lower eyelids. portal fissureThe opening into the undersurface of the liver. It continues into the liver as the portal canal. presylvian fissureThe anterior division of the sylvian fissure. Rolando fissure See: Rolando, Luigisphenoidal fissure, sphenoid fissureThe fissure separating the wings and body of the sphenoid bone.sylvian fissure See: Sylvius, Franciscusfissure of Sylvius See: Sylvius, Franciscustransverse fissure1. The fissure between the cerebellum and cerebrum.2. The fissure on the lower surface of the liver that serves as the hilum transmitting vessels and ducts to the liver.3. The fissure that divides the upper right lobe of the lung from the middle right lobe. Synonym: horizontal fissureumbilical fissureThe anterior portion of the longitudinal fissure of the liver. It contains the round ligament, the obliterated umbilical vein. |