Acronym | Definition |
FPD➣Flat Panel Display |
FPD➣Foundation for Professional Development (South Africa) |
FPD➣Fire Protection District |
FPD➣Flame Photometric Detector (Gas Chromatography) |
FPD➣Front Panel Display |
FPD➣Full Page Display |
FPD➣Fox Pro for Dos |
FPD➣Floating Point Division |
FPD➣Forward per Domain |
FPD➣Flash Pen Drive |
FPD➣Field-Programmable Device |
FPD➣Fluid Power Design (various companies) |
FPD➣Flawless Project Delivery (various locations) |
FPD➣Federal Public Defender |
FPD➣Focal Plane Detector (physics) |
FPD➣Foreign Parts Distributors (Hialeah, FL) |
FPD➣Faculty Professional Development (various locations) |
FPD➣Food Product Development |
FPD➣Fall Prevention Device (maritime safety) |
FPD➣Free Prize Draw (contest; various companies) |
FPD➣Fixed Partial Denture |
FPD➣Forest Products Division (various locations) |
FPD➣Friends of the Peak District (UK) |
FPD➣Facilities Planning Department (various organizations) |
FPD➣Flowserve Pump Division (various locations) |
FPD➣Fresno Police Department (California) |
FPD➣First Professional Degree |
FPD➣Facility Planning Document (various organizations) |
FPD➣Foreign Post Differential (US DoD) |
FPD➣Food Product Design |
FPD➣Fine-Pitch Device |
FPD➣Future Product Development |
FPD➣Former Plasma Donor |
FPD➣Finance and Procurement Desktop (US Coast Guard) |
FPD➣Force Protection Detachment |
FPD➣Freezing Point Depressant (aircraft deicing / anti-icing fluids) |
FPD➣Feet Per Day |
FPD➣Frederick Police Department (Maryland) |
FPD➣First Payment Default |
FPD➣Flagstaff Police Department (Arizona) |
FPD➣Films and Publications Department (Singapore) |
FPD➣Fluoropolymers Division (The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc trade organization) |
FPD➣First Person Driver (gaming) |
FPD➣Fargo Police Department (Fargo, ND, USA) |
FPD➣Full-Power Day |
FPD➣Farrier Product Distribution (Shelbyville, KY) |
FPD➣Flint Police Department (Michigan) |
FPD➣Federação Paulista de Disco |
FPD➣Fasting Plasma Glucose |
FPD➣Flight Planning Document |
FPD➣Friendswood Police Department (Texas) |
FPD➣Ferndale Police Department (Washington) |
FPD➣Foreign Procurement Department (Afghanistan) |
FPD➣Fabrication and Prototype Design |
FPD➣Functional Purchase Description |
FPD➣False Packet Detection |
FPD➣First Payment Date |
FPD➣Facility Project Deficiency |
FPD➣Financial and Private Sector Department (World Bank Group) |
FPD➣Foundations for People Development (Philippines) |
FPD➣Floor Plan Data Sheet |
FPD➣Freight Payable At Destination (logistics) |