Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge

Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:c/o Maine Coastal Islands NWR
14 Water St, PO Box 279
Milbridge, ME 04658

Established: 1980.
Location:In Machias Bay, 52 miles east of Ellsworth, Maine.
Activities:Shellfishing, fishing.
Special Features:Like many of the islands on the Maine coast, islands within the Cross Island NWR have a long history of human habitation. Known by the Native Americans as Sebohegonet, Cross Island was for generations used as a base for fishing operations. Later, early mariners also used the island as a base for their fishing activities.
Habitats: 6 offshore islands, comprising 1,703 acres of dense forests of red and white spruce with mixed hardwoods.
Access: Accessible by personal boat only. Cross and Scotch islands are open year round from sunrise to sunset. Mink, Inner and Outer Double Head Shots, and Old Man islands are open during daylight hours from September through March and closed during the nesting season, April through August.
Wild life: White-tailed deer, bald eagles, waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, common eiders, razorbacks, and storm petrels.

See other parks in Maine.