Acronym | Definition |
FHT➣Federation of Holistic Therapists (UK) |
FHT➣Family Health Team |
FHT➣Fetal Heart Tones |
FHT➣Foxboro Hot Tubs (band) |
FHT➣Fast Hartley Transform |
FHT➣Female Hose Thread |
FHT➣Fast Hadamard Transform |
FHT➣Fairstar Heavy Transport (Netherlands) |
FHT➣Family Health Trust |
FHT➣Flexible High Temperature (laminate) |
FHT➣Food Handler Training |
FHT➣Fast Hankel Transform |
FHT➣First Hitting Time (reliability theory) |
FHT➣Fast Haar Transform |
FHT➣Field HUMINT Team |
FHT➣Final Handling Test |
FHT➣Faith, Hope and Trick (episode of TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer) |
FHT➣Formal Hardware Testing |
FHT➣Final Handling Treatment |
FHT➣Fuel Handling Transporter |
FHT➣Family History Techniques (genealogy) |