Dictaphone Station
Dictaphone Station
a distribution installation for the automatic remote control of recording of spoken information. This equipment uses dictaphones and automatically distributes their load times. Dictaphone stations are most effective when they are used in conjunction with a typing pool, where the typists transcribe texts recorded by a dictaphone. The sound carrier of a dictaphone can be a cassette with magnetic tape, a disc, or other sound track. This carrier, together with a routing form, is given to the operators of a dictaphone station. A typist assigned to such a station listens to the recording and prepares the typewritten text.
Dictaphones installed in a dictaphone station can be connected to the telephone network of an office. In this way the originators can dictate their texts without leaving their desks, using any available channels to connect them to dictaphones on duty. Dictaphone stations make it feasible to obtain the full typed text of a presentation or of a conference within 5–10 minutes after the conference. To achieve this result several dictaphones are used. They are first successively connected to make a microphonic recording and then are used to provide a playback for the typists.