a reference work containing words (sometimes also morphemes and combinations of words) arranged in a certain order and explaining the meanings of the units described, providing information about the units or their translation into another language, or supplying data on the subjects designated by the units.
Dictionaries play a large role in intellectual culture, reflecting the knowledge of a given society during a certain period. Dictionaries fulfill two social functions: an informative one, because they allow knowledge to be acquired as quickly as possible (through definitions), and a normative one, because they fix the meanings and usages of words and thus facilitate the improvement and standardization of language as a means of communication. Dictionaries were first compiled in remote antiquity and have taken on an ever greater role in accumulating and providing information throughout history.
The principal type of dictionary is the unilingual defining dictionary, which indicates the meaning, usage, and grammatical and phonetic features of words. Dictionaries of this type vary in size. Their normative function is carried out through the selection of entries and meanings and with the aid of examples and stylistic labels. Other types of dictionaries differ from defining dictionaries in various ways. Encyclopedic dictionaries differ in content, explaining not words but the concepts designated by the words. In their selection of vocabulary items, thesauri encompass a language’s entire lexicon. Some dictionaries reflect only some of the thematic and stylistic strata of the lexicon; among these are dictionaries of terms, dialectal expressions, the colloquial language, argot, and the literary language. Other dictionaries contain only special variants of words, such as neologisms, archaisms, rare words, abbreviations, foreign words, and proper names. Some dictionaries differ from defining dictionaries in the way words are described; these specialized works, which take up individual aspects of words and the relationships between words, include dictionaries of etymology, word-formation, word combinations, grammar, orthography, orthoepy, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, frequency, and rhymes.
Some dictionaries differ from defining dictionaries in that the units chosen for lexicographic description are less or more than a word: roots, morphemes, idioms, or quotations. In ideographic and analogical dictionaries, words are arranged not alphabetically but by semantic associations. Entries in reverse dictionaries are arranged alphabetically proceeding from the last letter of the word to the first. Data can be arranged according to a certain chronology, as in the case of historical dictionaries. Dictionaries compiled for specific readerships include learners’ dictionaries and dictionaries of errors and linguistic difficulties. Some dictionaries are bilingual or multilingual.
Dictionaries characteristically consist of articles in which the entries are interpreted by means of words, specially formulated explanations (a metalanguage), examples, and nonlinguistic means (drawings). Modern dictionaries employ different typefaces, a number of conventional signs, and various typographic devices, frequently using tables to explain the relationships between
Figure 1. Components of diazotype photocopiers, (a) Exposure mechanism: (1) roll of diazo paper, (2) feed for the original, (3) reflector, (4) output tray for the original, (5) exposed diazo paper, (6) glass cylinder, (7) mercury-quartz lamp, (8) paper-transport tape; (b) wet-process developing mechanism: (1) trough for alkaline solution, (2) guides, (3) exposed diazo paper, (4) squeeze rollers, (5) drying device; (c) dry-process developing mechanism; (1) exposed diazo paper, (2) feed tube for ammonia, (3) screen, (4) trough, (5) housing, (6) heating elements.
words and any linguistic peculiarities the words may have.
When a dictionary is being compiled, the problem arises of the relationship between the information being provided and the general linguistic knowledge of the speakers of the language. The words are selected and the information about the words is provided in accordance with the purpose of the dictionary, based on an analysis of texts, speech samples, and existing dictionaries and grammars; the compilers’ own linguistic experience is also a factor.
Defining dictionaries also address the problem of the relationship between language and speech: dictionaries present words in an isolated form, noting primarily the words’ mandatory and constant meanings, whereas in living speech the meanings of words may undergo changes. In order to give some indication of the state of a word in language and speech, dictionaries derive the meaning of the word from usage in various contexts; they accompany the word with notes, qualifications, examples, and illustrations that indicate the situations in which the word is used and the associations connected with the word. Defining dictionaries and certain other types of dictionaries try to resolve the problems of word arrangement (alphabetical, by root) and the structuring of definitions in such a way as to reflect the overall structure of the language’s lexical component and the semantic structure of individual words. They also seek to resolve the problem of isolating and interpreting meanings through contemporary lexicographic methods and the development of a lexicographic metalanguage.
Principal dictionaries of Russian
Slovar’ Akademii Rossiiskoi, parts 1–6. St. Petersburg, 1789–94. Second ed.: St. Petersburg, 1806–22.
Slovar’ tserkovnoslavianskogo i russkogo iazyka, fascs. 1–4. St. Petersburg, 1847.
Dal’, V. I. Tolkovyi slovar’ zhivogo velikorusskogo iazyka, parts 1–4. St. Petersburg, 1863–66. Third ed., parts 1–4: St. Petersburg-Moscow, 1903–11. (Edited by I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay.) Sixth ed., parts 1–4: Moscow, 1955.
Tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo iazyka. Edited by D. N. Ushakov, vols. 1–4. Moscow, 1935–40. Second ed., vols. 1–4: Moscow, 1947–48.
Slovar’ russkogo iazyka, vols. 1–4. Moscow, 1957–61.
Slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo iazyka, vols. 1–17. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950–65.
Ozhegov, S. I. Slovar’ russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1949. Tenth ed.: Moscow, 1973.
Language of Writers
Slovar’ iazyka Pushkina, vols. 1–4. Moscow, 1956–61.
Sreznevskii, I. I. Materialy dlia slovaria drevnerusskogo iazyka po pis’mennym pamiatnikam, vols. 1–3. St. Petersburg, 1890–1912. Third ed., vols. 1–3: Moscow, 1958.
Slovar’ russkogo iazyka XI-XVll vv., fascs. 1–2. Moscow, 1975—.
Preobrazhenskii, A. Etimologicheskii slovar’ russkogo iazyka, vols. 1–2. St. Petersburg, 1910–16. Second ed., vols. 1–2: Moscow. 1959.
Vasmer, M. Etimologicheskii slovar’ russkogo iazyka, vols. 1–4. Moscow, 1964–73. (Translated from German.)
Shanskii, N. M. Etimologicheskii slovar’ russkogo iazyka, vol. 1. Moscow, 1963—. (As of 1975, to Zh.)
Slovar’ russkikh narodnykh govorov, fascs. 1–10—. Moscow, 1965–74—.
Synonyms and homonyms
Abramov, N. Slovar’ russkikh sinonimov i skhodnykh po smyslu vyrazhenii. St. Petersburg, 1900.
Aleksandrova, Z. E. Slovar’ sinonimov russkogo iazyka. Moscow. 1968. Third ed.: Moscow, 1971.
Slovar’ sinonimov russkogo iazyka, vols. 1–2. Leningrad, 1970–71.
Slovar’ sinonimov. Leningrad, 1975.
Akhmanova, O. S. Slovar’omonimov russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1974.
Mikhel’son, M. I. Khodiachie i metkie slova. St. Petersburg, 1894. Second ed.: St. Petersburg, 1896.
Frazeologicheskii slovar’ russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1967.
Zhukov, V. P. Slovar’ russkikh poslovits i pogovorok. Moscow, 1966. Third ed.: Moscow, 1966.
Novye slova i znacheniia. Moscow, 1971.
Foreign words and expressions
Slovar’ inostrannykh slov, 6th ed. Moscow, 1964.
Babkin, A. M., and V. V. Shendetsov. Slovar’ inoiazychnykh vyrazhenii i slov, upotrebliaiushikhsia v russkom iazyke bez perevoda, parts 1–2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1966.
Slovar’ sokrashchenii russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1963.
Personal names
Tupikov, N. M. Slovar’ drevnerusskikh lichnykh sobstvennykh imen. St. Petersburg, 1903.
Petrovskii, N. A. Slovar’ russkikh lichnykh imen. Moscow, 1966.
Veselovskii, S. B. Onomastikon. Moscow, 1974.
Slovar’ nazvanii zhitelei RSFSR. Moscow, 1964.
Correctness of oral and written expression
Orfograficheskii slovar’ russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1956. Thirteenth ed.: Moscow, 1974.
Slitno ili razdel’no? (Opyt slovaria-spravochnika.) Moscow, 1972.
Russkoe literaturnoe udarenie i proiznoshenie. Moscow, 1955. Fourth ed.: Moscow, 1960.
Trudnosti slovoupotrebleniia i varianty norm russkogo literaturnogo iazyka. Leningrad, 1973.
Krysin, L. P., and L. I. Skvortsov. Pravil’nost’ russkoi rechi, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1965.
Bel’chikov, Iu. A., and M. S. Paniusheva. Trudnye sluchai upotrebleniia odnokorennykh slov russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1968.
Shteinfel’dt, E. A. Chastotnyi slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo iazyka. Tallinn, 1973.
Obratnyi slovar’russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1974.
Major modern defining dictionaries of foreign languages
Kh’atlene, A., and Z. Klerashche. Adyga”zem izekhef gushchylakh”. Maikop, 1960.
Schoonees, P. C. Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal. Pretoria, 1950—.
Ibn Manzur Muhammad ibn Mukarram M. Lisan al-Arab, 20 vols. 2nd ed. Beirut, 1955–66.
al-Mujam al-wasit, 2 vols. Cairo, 1960–1961.
Malkhasiants, S. Tolkovyi slovar’ armianskogo iazyka, vols. 1–4. Yerevan, 1944–45. (In Armenian.)
Azerbaijan dilinin izahly lughati, parts 1—. Baku, 1964—.
Bangiya Sabda Kosh, vols. 1–5. Calcutta, 1932.
Rechnik na suvremenniia bulgarski knizhoven ezik, vols. 1–3. Sofia, 1954–59.
Fabra, P. Diccionari general de la llengua Catalana, 4th ed. Barcelona, 1966.
Tz’u yüan, vols. 1–3. Shanghai, 1933.
Ch’i hai(A Sea of Words), vols. 1–5. Shanghai, 1938.
Kuovü tz’ u tien, vols. 1–8, 1943.
Příručni slovník jazyka českého, vols. 1–8. Prague, 1935–57.
Slovník spisovného jazyka českého, vols. Prague, 1958–71.
Ordbog over det danske sprog, vols. 1–24, 26–28. Copenhagen, 1919–56. Second ed.: Copenhagen, 1966–70.
Nudansk ordbog, vols. 1–2. Copenhagen, 1953. Fifth ed.: Copenhagen. 1967.
Woordenboek der Nederlandsche taal, vols. 1–22. The Hague, 1882–91.
Dale, I. H. van. Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse taal, vols. 1–2. The Hague, 1970.
Little, W. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, 3rd ed., vols. 1–2. Oxford, 1968.
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, vols. 1–2. Chicago, 1966.
Random House Dictionary of the English Language. New York, 1967.
Nykysuomen sanakirja, vols. 1–6. Helsinki, 1951–61.
Robert, R. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, vols. 1–7. Paris, 1972–73.
Grand Larousse de la langue française, vols. 1–7. Paris, 1971–78.
Tolkovyi slovar’ gruzinskogo iazyka, 8 vols. Tbilisi, 1950–64. (In Georgian.)
Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache, vols. 1–5. Berlin, 1961–74.
Modern Greek
Demetrakou. Mega lexikon tes hellenikes glosses, vols. 1–9. Athens, 1936–50. Second ed.: 1950–53.
Manaka hindi kosh, 5 vols. Allahabad, 1963–66.
Hindi shabda sagar, 11 vols. Varanasi, 1965—.(As of l974, 10 vols.)
A magyar nyelv értelmezö szótára, vols. 1–7. Budapest, 1959–62.
Íslenzk orōabók handa skólum og almenningi. Reykjavik, 1963.
Poerwadarminta, W. J. S. Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia, 2 vols. Jakarta, 1952.
Poerwadarminta, W. J. S. Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia, 2 vols. Jakarta, 1971–72.
Battaglia, S. Grande dizionario della lingua italiana, vols. 1–8. Turin, 1961–73—.
Devoto, G., and G. C. Oli. Vocabolario illustrato della lingua italiana, vols. 1–2. Milan, 1967.
Simmura, I. Kojien, 2nd ed. Tokyo, 1973.
Simmeikai kokugo dziten. Tokyo, 1973.
Qazaq tĭlĭnĭn tusĭndĭrme sözdígĭ, vols. 1–2. Alma-Ata, 1959–62.
Chosonmal sachtong, vols. 1–6. Pyongyang, 1960–62.
Mílenbahs, K. Latviešu valodas vārdnī ca, vols. 1–4. Riga, 1923–32.
Lietuvių kalbos žodynas, vols. 1–9. Vilnius, 1941–73.
Kamus Dewan. Kuala Lumpur, 1972.
Tsevel, la. Mongol Khelnii tovg tailbar tol’. Ulan Bator, 1966.
Knudsen, T. Norsk riksmålsordbok, vols. 1–2. Oslo, 1937–57.
Norsk ordbok: Ordbok over det norske folkemålet og det nynorske skriftmålet. Oslo, 1950—.
Pashto qamus, 2 vols. Kabul, 1952–55.
Moin, M. Farhange-efarsi, vols. 1–6. Tehran, 1963–73.
Dihkhuda, A. A. Logatname-ie Dehkhoda. Tehran, 1946—. (As of 1974, 195 fascs.)
Słownik języka polskiego, vols. 1–11. Warsaw, 1958–69.
Dicionário geral luso brasileiro da lingua portugesa, vols. 1–15-. Lisbon-Rio de Janeiro, 1962—.
Dicziunari rumantsch grischun, vols. 1—. Published by La Società Retorumantscha. Chur, 1938—. (As of 1966, A-C.)
Dicţionarul limbii romîne literare contemporane, vols. 1–4. Bucharest, 1955–57.
Dicţionarul limbii române, vols. 1–7. Bucharest, 1913–49. New series: 1965–72. (To P.)
Rečnik srpskohrvatskoga knjizhevnog jezika, vols. 1—. Novy Sad-Zagreb, 1967—. (As of 1973,5 vols., to S.)
Slovník slovenského jazyka, vols. 1–6. Bratislava, 1959–68.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, vol. 1 (A-H). Ljubljana, 1970—.
Diccionario de la lengua española, 19th ed. Madrid, 1970.
Alonso, M. Enciclopedia del idioma: Diccionario histórico y moderno de la lengua española, vols. 1–3. Madrid, 1958.
Ordbok öfver svenska språket, vols. 1–26. Lund, 1898–1974.
Östergren, O. Nusvensk ordbok, vols. 1–10. Stockholm, 1919–72.
Farkhangi zaboni tojiki, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1969.
Velidi, Dzh. Tatar telenets tuly suzlege. Kazan, 1927—. (Not completed.)
Ağakai, M. A. Türkçe sözlük. Ankara, 1974.
Tuğlaci, P. Okeanus, vols. 1–3. Istanbul, 1971–74.
Türkmen dilininin sözlügi. Ashkhabad, 1962.
Slovnyk ukrains’koi movy, vols. 1–10. Kiev, 1970—. (As of 1975, 6 vols., to P).
Majid, A. Jamiul lughat, 4 vols. Lahore, 1935.
Firoz al-lughat. Karachi [no date].
Tu dien tieng Viet. Hanoi, 1967.
Semenov, N. A. Tolkovye slovari russkogo iazyka. Kiev, 1969.
Voprosy uchebnoi leksikografii. Moscow, 1969.
Berkov, V. P. Voprosy dvuiazychnoi leksikografii. Leningrad, 1973.
Denisov, P. N. Ocherki po russkoi leksikologii i uchebnoi leksikografii. Moscow, 1974.
Slovari, izdannye v SSSR: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’, 1918–1962. Moscow, 1966.
Zaunmüller, W. Bibliographisches Handbuch der Sprachwörterbücher: Ein internazionales Verzeichnis von 5600 Wörterbüchern der Jahre 1460–1958 für mehr als 500Sprachen und Dialekte. Stuttgart, 1958.
Bibliografia słowników, 1945–1972 [vols. 1–6]. Warsaw, 1965–74.
Whittacker, K. Dictionaries. London, 1966.
Matoré, G. Histoire des dictionnaires français. Paris, 1968.
Quémada, B. Les Dictionnaires du français moderne. Paris, 1968.
Wahrig, G. Neue Wege in der Wörterbücharbeit. Hamburg, 1967.
“La Lexicographic” Langages, 1970, no. 19.
Slovo a slovník. Bratislava, 1973.
See also references under LEXICOGRAPHY.V. G. GAK