cleaned out

be cleaned out

To be emptied or devoid of money, food, resources, etc. I'd like to play another round of poker, but I'm totally cleaned out! I wish I could offer you some food to go with your tea, but I'm afraid we're cleaned out.See also: clean, out

clean out

1. To rid a space or area of dirt, grime, or objects. A noun or pronoun can be used between "clean" and "out." Hand me that sponge so I can clean out the oven. How often do we need to clean out the rabbit's cage?2. To impel people to leave a space or area. A noun or pronoun can be used between "clean" and "out." The sound of approaching sirens quickly cleaned out the high schooler's house party.3. To remove things from a space or area. A noun or pronoun can be used between "clean" and "out." We need to clean all this junk out of the garage so that I can actually put my car in it!4. To significantly deplete one's finances. A noun or pronoun can be used between "clean" and "out." I got cleaned out at the poker game last night, so can you pay for dinner? Christmas shopping this year really cleaned me out.5. To rid a group or organization of someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "clean" and "out." After five losing seasons, the team's owner cleaned out the front office.6. To use a particular resource in its entirety. A noun or pronoun can be used between "clean" and "out." Unfortunately, that big event cleaned out our department's funds. It looks like we don't have any cookies left—the boys must have cleaned them out after school.7. To cause one to thoroughly empty one's bowels. A noun or pronoun can be used between "clean" and "out." That bout of illness really cleaned me out.See also: clean, out

cleaned out

1. Having significantly depleted finances. I'm cleaned out after the poker game last night, so can you pay for dinner? I just had all my bills come due at once, so I'm cleaned out right now.2. Having been caused to thoroughly empty one's bowels. I am really cleaned out after that bout with the stomach bug.See also: clean, out

cleaned out

 1. Fig. broke; with no money. I'm cleaned out. Not a cent left. Tom's cleaned out. How will he pay his bills now? 2. Fig. with one's digestive tract emptied. That medicine really left me cleaned out.See also: clean, out

cleaned out

1. mod. broke; with no money. Tom’s cleaned out. He’s broke. He’ll have to go home. 2. mod. with one’s digestive tract emptied. That medicine really left me cleaned out. See also: clean, out