释义 |
CDDICopper Distributed Data InterfaceCDDI(Copper Distributed Data Interface) A version of FDDI that uses UTP (unshielded twisted pair) wires rather than optical fiber. The technology was developed by Crescendo Communications, Sunnyvale, CA, which was acquired by Cisco in 1993. ANSI's standard for FDDI over UTP is officially TP-PMD (Twisted Pair-Physical Media Dependent).CDDI
Acronym | Definition |
CDDI➣Copper Distributed Data Interface | CDDI➣Copper Data Distributed Interface (computer networking) | CDDI➣Cable Distributed Data Interface | CDDI➣Color Doppler-Assisted Duplex Imaging (neurology) | CDDI➣Coaxial Distributed Data Interface | CDDI➣Color-Coded Duplex Imaging (neurosurgery) |