C0561900 (kən-fûrm′)These verbs mean to establish or support the truth, accuracy, or genuineness of something. Confirm implies the establishment of certainty or conviction: The information confirmed our worst suspicions.
To corroborate something is to strengthen or uphold the evidence that supports it: The witness is expected to corroborate the plaintiff's testimony.
To substantiate is to establish by presenting solid or reliable evidence: "What I shall say can be substantiated by the sworn testimony of witnesses" (Mark Twain).
To authenticate something is to establish its genuineness, as by expert testimony or documentary proof: Never purchase an antique before it has been authenticated.
Validate refers to establishing the validity of something, such as a theory, claim, or judgment: The divorce validated my parents' original objection to the marriage.
Verify implies proving by comparison with an original or with established fact: The bank refused to cash the check until the signature was verified.