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con·fis·cate C0562300 (kŏn′fĭ-skāt′)tr.v. con·fis·cat·ed, con·fis·cat·ing, con·fis·cates 1. To seize (private property) for the public treasury, especially as a penalty for wrongdoing.2. To seize by authority: The teacher confiscated all the comic books we had in class. See Synonyms at appropriate.adj. (kŏn′fĭ-skāt′, kən-fĭs′kət)1. Seized by a government; appropriated.2. Having lost property through confiscation. [Latin cōnfiscāre, cōnfiscāt : com-, com- + fiscus, treasury.] con′fis·ca′tion n.con′fis·ca′tor n.EncyclopediaSeeconfiscate |