Favre, Jules
Favre, Jules
(zhül fä`vrə), 1809–80, French statesman. At first a partisan of the July Monarchy, he joined the republican opposition to King Louis PhilippeLouis Philippe, 1773–1850, king of the French (1830–48), known before his accession as Louis Philippe, duc d'Orléans. The son of Philippe Égalité (see Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d'), he joined the army of the French Revolution,
..... Click the link for more information. . After the February Revolution of 1848 he was one of the leaders of the provisional government. Under Emperor Napoleon IIINapoleon III
(Louis Napoleon Bonaparte), 1808–73, emperor of the French (1852–70), son of Louis Bonaparte (see under Bonaparte, family), king of Holland. Early Life
..... Click the link for more information. he was a leader of the constitutional opposition. In 1858 he courageously defended Felice OrsiniOrsini, Felice
, 1819–58, Italian patriot who attempted to assassinate the French emperor Napoleon III. He was a follower of Mazzini in the movement for Italian unification. As a young man he became an active revolutionary in the Papal States and in Tuscany.
..... Click the link for more information. . At the end of the Franco-Prussian War, Favre served briefly as foreign minister of the provisional government (1871); he negotiated the final peace with Germany, but was forced to withdraw from the government because of the rigorous conditions imposed by Germany on France.
Favre, Jules
Born Mar. 21, 1809, in Lyon; died Jan. 28, 1880, in Versailles. French political figure; lawyer. Participant in the July Revolution of 1830.
Between 1848 and 1851, Favre was a representative first to the Constituent Assembly and then to the Legislative Assembly. From 1858 to 1870 he was a representative in the corps législatif and one of the leaders of the bourgeois Republican opposition to the Second Empire. From September 1870 to February 1871 he was minister of foreign affairs in the Government of National Defense, and from February to July 1871 he served in the Versailles government of A. Thiers. On Jan. 28, 1871, he negotiated an armistice with Prussia, the conditions of which were extremely unfavorable to France. Favre helped organize the suppression of the Paris Commune of 1871. That same year, he prepared and concluded the Treaty of Frankfurt. He became a senator in 1876.