Acronym | Definition |
FAW➣Front Axle Weight |
FAW➣Foundation for the American West (Orem, UT) |
FAW➣Find a Way |
FAW➣Football Association of Wales |
FAW➣Fall Armyworm (insect) |
FAW➣First Aid at Work |
FAW➣Future Audio Workshop (various locations) |
FAW➣First Auto Works (China) |
FAW➣First Automobile Works |
FAW➣Fuer Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (German: Applied Knowledge Processing) |
FAW➣Florida Administrative Weekly |
FAW➣Forschungsinstitut für Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung |
FAW➣Friends Around the World |
FAW➣Fencing Academy of Westchester (Hawthorne, NY) |
FAW➣Filton Abbey Wood (railway station; UK) |
FAW➣Formerly Associated With |
FAW➣Fédération des Archéologues de Wallonie (French: Federation of Archaeologists in Wallonia; Belgium) |
FAW➣Financial Analysis Worksheet |
FAW➣Friday After Work (Internet slang) |
FAW➣Final Artwork |
FAW➣Fleet Air Wing |
FAW➣Financial Aid Web (University of Phoenix) |
FAW➣Fire At Will |
FAW➣Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop |
FAW➣Friends of Allegheny Wilderness (Warren, Pennsylvania) |
FAW➣Financial Assistance Worker (Canada) |
FAW➣Fiber Areal Weight (composite materials) |
FAW➣Forward Area Weapons |
FAW➣Frequency Address Word |
FAW➣Food Allergens Workshop |
FAW➣Financial Awareness Workshop |