

(brong'kō-spī-rom'ĕ-ter), A rare device for measurement of rates and volumes of air flow into each lung separately, using a double-lumen endobronchial tube. [broncho- + L. spiro, to breathe, + G. metron, measure]


(brong'kō-spī-rom'ĕ-tĕr) A device for measurement of rates and volumes of airflow into each lung separately,using a double-lumen endobronchial tube.[broncho- + L. spiro, to breathe, + G. metron, measure]


(brŏng″kō-spĭ-rŏm′ĕ-tĕr) [″ + L. spirare, to breathe, + Gr. metron, measure] An instrument for determining the volume of air inspired from one lung and for collecting air for analysis.