

C0563800 (kən-fôr′məl)adj.1. Mathematics Designating or specifying a mapping of a surface or region upon another surface so that all angles between intersecting curves remain unchanged.2. Of or relating to a map projection in which small areas are rendered with true shape.
[Late Latin cōnfōrmālis, similar : Latin com-, com- + Latin fōrma, shape.]


(kənˈfɔːməl) adj1. (Mathematics) maths a. (of a transformation) preserving the angles of the depicted surfaceb. (of a parameter) relating to such a transformation2. (Physical Geography) Also called: orthomorphic (of a map projection) maintaining true shape over a small area and scale in every direction[C17: from Late Latin conformālis having the same shape, from Latin com- same + forma shape]


(kənˈfɔr məl)

adj. of or designating a map or transformation in which angles and scale are preserved. [1640–50; < Late Latin confōrmālis of the same shape. See con-, formal]