EDBSSommerda (airport code; Germany)
EDBSEast Dedham Builders Supply (Dedham, MA)
EDBSEinheitliche Datenbankschnittstelle (German: Unified Database Interface)
EDBSEast Durham Business Service (Peterlee, England, UK)
EDBSÉcole Doctorale Biologie-Santé (French: Biology Health Doctoral School)
EDBSEmmanuel Dauple Bâtiment Service (French: Emmanuel Dauple Building Service)
EDBSEuropean Dietetic Benchmark Statement (European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians)
EDBSÉtude Décor Bâtiment Service (French: Building Decor Review Service)
EDBSExternal Dosimetry Badge System
EDBSEngineering Data Bank System
EDBSÉcosystèmes, Diversité Biologique et Santé (French: Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Health)