


a complex of archaeological cultures found in the cave of the same name in Southern Rhodesia (Africa).

Bambata was investigated by A. and N. Jones in 1918, by L. Armstrong in 1929, and by N. Jones in 1938–39. The lowest layer contains quartzite tools belonging to the so-called Rhodesian proto-Stillbay Paleolithic culture. A higher layer contains evidence of the Rhodesian Stillbay culture (the Bambata culture proper). Tools with traces of retouching by flaking are found there. The deposits of the Bambata culture are covered by layers of the Neolithic period and the Iron Age. The finds at Bambata indicate that the area was inhabited for a long time by the ancestors of the modern Bushmen.


Aliman, A. Doistoricheskaia Afrika. Moscow, 1960. (Translated from French.)
Jones, N. The Prehistory of Southern Rhodesia. Cambridge, 1949.