

单词 cdv



abbreviation for 1. (Electronics) CD-video 2. (Electronics) compact video disc



(1) (CD Video) An earlier Compact Disc (CD) format that held a 5-minute music video (MTV) along with 20 minutes of CD audio. Introduced in the late 1980s, it was short lived because it required a LaserDisc player for the video. The CDV was a unique analog/digital hybrid. Both the CD section and the video sound were digital, while the video frames were analog. See LaserDisc and Video CD.

(2) (Compressed Digital Video) The compression of full-motion video for high-speed, economical transmission.

(3) (Copy Data Virtualization) See copy data.


CDVChildren of Domestic Violence
CDVCanine Distemper Virus
CDVCarte de Visite (small visiting card portraits)
CDVCell Delay Variation
CDVChef de Village (French: Village Chief)
CDVCentro Diocesano Vocazioni (Italian: Diocesan Vocations Center)
CDVCoverage Driven Verification
CDVCargo Delivery Vehicle
CDVC++ Base Development
CDVCurrent Device
CDVCompact Disc Video
CDVCity Delivery Van
CDVCorazon de Vida (foundation; Irvine, CA)
CDVCoverage Driven Verification (circuit design)
CDVCriminal Domestic Violence
CDVCar-Derived Van (UK descriptor for commercial vehicles)
CDVComcast Digital Voice
CDVCommittee Draft for Vote (International Electrotechnical Commission)
CDVCivil Defense Victoreen (shelter radiation detection kit)
CDVCompressed Digital Video
CDVComité Départemental de Voile (French: Departmental Committee of Sailing)
CDVCordova, AK, USA (Airport Code)
CDVCore Democratic Value
CDVClutch Delay Valve
CDVCheck Digit Verification
CDVCooperative Distributed Vision (artificial intelligence)
CDVConcours des Vins (French: Wine Competition)
CDVCapacitor Discharge Vaporization
CDVComma Delimited Value
CDVCentral Drawings Vault
CDVConcept Demonstration and Validation (usually seen as CD/V)
CDVConseil et Dépistage Volontaires du VIH (French: Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV)
CDVCredit/Debit Vendor
CDVClean Diesel Vehicle
CDVCarma Data Viewer
CDVCache Delayed Verification




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