Acronym | Definition |
CDV➣Children of Domestic Violence |
CDV➣Canine Distemper Virus |
CDV➣Carte de Visite (small visiting card portraits) |
CDV➣Cell Delay Variation |
CDV➣Chef de Village (French: Village Chief) |
CDV➣Centro Diocesano Vocazioni (Italian: Diocesan Vocations Center) |
CDV➣Coverage Driven Verification |
CDV➣Cargo Delivery Vehicle |
CDV➣C++ Base Development |
CDV➣Current Device |
CDV➣Compact Disc Video |
CDV➣City Delivery Van |
CDV➣Corazon de Vida (foundation; Irvine, CA) |
CDV➣Coverage Driven Verification (circuit design) |
CDV➣Criminal Domestic Violence |
CDV➣Car-Derived Van (UK descriptor for commercial vehicles) |
CDV➣Comcast Digital Voice |
CDV➣Committee Draft for Vote (International Electrotechnical Commission) |
CDV➣Civil Defense Victoreen (shelter radiation detection kit) |
CDV➣Compressed Digital Video |
CDV➣Comité Départemental de Voile (French: Departmental Committee of Sailing) |
CDV➣Cordova, AK, USA (Airport Code) |
CDV➣Core Democratic Value |
CDV➣Clutch Delay Valve |
CDV➣Check Digit Verification |
CDV➣Cooperative Distributed Vision (artificial intelligence) |
CDV➣Concours des Vins (French: Wine Competition) |
CDV➣Capacitor Discharge Vaporization |
CDV➣Comma Delimited Value |
CDV➣Central Drawings Vault |
CDV➣Concept Demonstration and Validation (usually seen as CD/V) |
CDV➣Conseil et Dépistage Volontaires du VIH (French: Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV) |
CDV➣Credit/Debit Vendor |
CDV➣Clean Diesel Vehicle |
CDV➣Carma Data Viewer |
CDV➣Cache Delayed Verification |