Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

 (AHCPR) former name of the agency for healthcare research and quality.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

The lead US federal agency (of the Department of Health and Human Services) which is charged with improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for Americans. AHRQ's research is intended to help people make more informed decisions and improve the quality of health care services.

A·gen·cy for Health·care Re·search and Qual·i·ty

(AHRQ) (ā'jĕn-sē helth'kār rĕ-sĕrch' kwahl'i-tē) A group that supports research designed to improve outcomes and quality of health care, reduce costs, address patient safety and medical errors, and broaden access to effective services; translates research findings into improved patient care; formerly called the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.