释义 |
DictionarySeeentamoebaEncyclopediaSeeEntamoebaEntamoeba dispar
Entamoeba disparnonpathogenic species that occurs in the large intestine of humans; formerly considered Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar is now considered a separate species; it is nonpathogenic and is not associated with symptomatic amebiasis in humans. Morphologically it resembles Entamoeba histolytica; however, the trophozoites are never found to contain ingested red blood cells.Ent·a·moe·ba dis·par (ent'ă-mē'bă dis'pahr) Nonpathogenic species of ameba that occurs in the large intestine of humans; formerly classed with E. histolytica, E. dispar is now recognized as a separate species; it is not associated with symptomatic amebiasis in humans. Morphologically it resembles E. histolytica; however, the trophozoites are never found to contain ingested red blood cells. |