Filosofskie Nauki
Filosofskie Nauki
(Philosophical Studies), a scholarly journal published in Moscow by the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education of the USSR as part of the series Nauchnye doklady vysshei shkoly (Scholarly Papers of Institutions of Higher Learning). The journal was published four times a year from 1958 to 1962, and six times a year after 1962. The editor in chief from 1958 to 1971 was M. T. Iovchuk; V. S. Gott has held the office since 1971.
Filosofskie nauki publishes articles on dialectical and historical materialism, ethics, aesthetics, atheism, logic, and the history of philosophy; on methodological problems of the natural and social sciences; and on philosophical issues of culture and communist education. It also publishes critiques of modern bourgeois philosophy and sociology. The journal includes the sections “Guidance for Teachers of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy,” “Scholarly Life,” and “Criticism and Bibliography.” Both Soviet and foreign scholars contribute to the journal. Circulation, approximately 10,000 (1975).