

单词 feep



1. verb Of a computer, to make a beeping sound. I think the scan is done—the computer just feeped.2. noun Such a sound. I think the scan is done—the computer just made a feep.


(fip)1. n. the beep made by a computer. This thing only makes a feep when I try to run my program. 2. in. [for a computer] to make a little beep. It just feeps to get your attention.



/feep/ 1. The soft electronic "bell" sound of a displayterminal (except for a VT-52); a beep (in fact, themicrocomputer world seems to prefer beep).

2. To cause the display to make a feep sound. ASR-33s (theoriginal TTYs) do not feep; they have mechanical bells thatring. Alternate forms: beep, "bleep", or just aboutanything suitably onomatopoeic. (Jeff MacNelly, in his comicstrip "Shoe", uses the word "eep" for sounds made by computerterminals and video games; this is perhaps the closest writtenapproximation yet.) The term "breedle" was sometimes heard atSAIL, where the terminal bleepers are not particularly soft(they sound more like the musical equivalent of a raspberry orBronx cheer; for a close approximation, imagine the sound of aStar Trek communicator's beep lasting for five seconds). The"feeper" on a VT-52 has been compared to the sound of a '52Chevy stripping its gears. See also ding.


FEEPFédération des Établissements d'Enseignement Privés (French: Federation of Private Education Institutions; Canada)
FEEPField Emission Electric Propulsion
FEEPFront End Engineering Package
FEEPFoundation for Environmental and Economic Progress
FEEPFulbright Educational Exchange Program (educational grant)




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