Arias-Stella phenomenon

A·ri·as-·Ste·lla phe·nom·e·non

(ahr'yahs stel'ă), focal, unusual, decidual changes in endometrial epithelium, consisting of intraluminal budding, and nuclear enlargement and hyperchromatism with cytoplasmic swelling and vacuolation; may be associated with ectopic or uterine pregnancy. Synonym(s): Arias-Stella effect, Arias-Stella reaction

Arias-Stella reaction

A dysmorphic change in the endometrial glands that closely simulates an adenocarcinoma. The ASR is hormonally induced and regarded as a typical endometrial reaction in ectopic pregnancy, which may be seen in trophoblastic disease; it is rare in normal intrauterine pregnancies.


Javier, Peruvian pathologist, 1924–. Arias-Stella effect - focal, unusual, decidual changes in endometrial epithelium that may be associated with ectopic or uterine pregnancy. Synonym(s): Arias-Stella phenomenon; Arias-Stella reactionArias-Stella phenomenon - Synonym(s): Arias-Stella effectArias-Stella reaction - Synonym(s): Arias-Stella effect