extension F

extension F

File extensions that begin with F.

Ext. Type of file FAX Various fax formats FDX Force index FH3 Freehand 3 FLA Flash source FLC Autodesk animation FLD Hijaak thumbnail folder FLI Autodesk animation FLT Graphics conversion filter FLV Flash video FMT dBASE Screen format FMV FrameMaker raster/vector graphics FNT Windows font FO XSL-FO document FOG Fontographer font FON Windows bitmapped font FON Telephone FOR FORTRAN source code FOT Windows TrueType font info. FOX FoxBase compiled program FM3 Format info for 1-2-3 Version 3 FP1 Flying Pigs for Windows data FPX FlashPix bitmap FRM dBASE report layout FTG Windows help file links FTS Windows help text search index FX CgFX 3D graphics rendering