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DictionarySeeerythrodermaEncyclopediaSeeErythrodermacongenital ichthyosiform erythroderma
erythroderma [ĕ-rith″ro-der´mah] abnormal redness of the skin over widespread areas of the body.congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma a generalized hereditary dermatitis with scaling, occurring in a bullous form (hyperkeratosis" >epidermolytic hyperkeratosis) and a nonbullous form (ichthyosis" >lamellar ichthyosis).erythroderma desquamati´vum Leiner's disease.psoriatic erythroderma a generalized psoriasis vulgaris, showing the chemical characteristics of exfoliative dermatitis.con·gen·i·tal ich·thy·o·si·form e·ryth·ro·der·maa genodermatosis characterized by diffuse chronic erythema and scale formation which may be separated into bullous and nonbullous forms.con·gen·i·tal ich·thy·o·si·form e·ryth·ro·der·ma (kŏn-jen'i-tăl ik'thē-ō'si-fōrm ĕ-rith'rō-dĕr'mă) A genodermatosis characterized by diffuse chronic erythema and scale formation, which occurs in bullous and nonbullous forms. Synonym(s): ichthyosiform erythroderma. Carini, Antonino, Italian physician, 1872-1950. Carini syndrome - skin disease of the newborn characterized by fissures and shedding of membrane encasing the body to reveal red skin underneath. Synonym(s): alligator baby; congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma; lamellar desquamation of the newborn; lamellar ichthyosis
Netherton, Earl Weldon, U.S. dermatologist, 1893–. Comèl-Netherton syndrome - Synonym(s): Netherton syndromeNetherton syndrome - brittle hair; atopic manifestations. Synonym(s): Comèl-Netherton syndrome; congenital ichthyosiform erythrodermaAcronymsSeeCIÉ |