Duburs, Jekabs
Duburs, Jēkabs
(pseudonym of Jēkabs Ārinš). Born Mar. 27, 1866, in Vircavas Volost (now Bauska Raion); died June 4 (17), 1916, in Finland. Buried in Riga. Latvian actor and producer.
Duburs’ theatrical career began in 1887. He headed the Riga Latvian Theater (1903-05), the New Riga Theater (1908-09), and a Latvian theater in Moscow (1915-16). In 1909 he founded a school of drama with E. Zeltmatis in Riga; this was the first professional Latvian theatrical school. Duburs, a versatile actor, demonstrated a fine acting technique and a mastery of stage diction. His roles included Langarts (Aspazija’s The Lost Rights), Old Indrān (Blaumanis’ The Indrāns), and Mephistopheles (Goethe’s Faust). Duburs was also an operatic and concert singer and gave readings. Beginning in 1890 he worked as a producer; his productions included Blaumanis’ The Indrans (1904) and Afire (1905) and Gorky’s Smug Citizens (1904). Duburs taught acting and wrote drama reviews and plays (for exampl, Erglis and Sperbers, 1892).