Brown Latvian Breed
Brown Latvian Breed
horned cattle, used as dairy cattle. They were created in Latvia on the basis of crossing local cattle and various hybrids of local cattle with Angeln and Red Dane breeds. Their torso is elongated; their withers are flat and wide; their chest is deep; their spine and loins are straight and wide; their rump is long, straight, and wide, though sagging rumps are found; and their rear extremities are frequently slightly curved. Their coat is various shades of red. The end of the muzzle, the cheeks, ears, and the lower parts of the neck, feet, and tail are almost black. The liveweight of bulls is 800-850 kg; of cows, 500 kg. The milk yield is 3,000-3,500 kg. The record yield was 7,588 kg of milk during one lactation. The fat content of the milk is 3.9-4.0 percent. Their meat is of satisfactory quality. The breed pastures well. Breed work is directed toward raising the milk productivity, the butterfat content, the liveweight, the maturation rate, and improvement of the meat quality and the body conformation of the breed. The cattle are raised in the Latvian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR and the Pskov, Novgorod, and Leningrad oblasts of the RSFSR.
Karelin, V. N. Buryi latviiskii skot. Riga, 1949.Skotovodstvo: Krupnyi rogatyi skot, vol. 1. Moscow, 1961.