Crowe-Davis mouth gag

Crowe-Da·vis mouth gag

(krō dāv'ĭs), instrument used for opening the mouth, depressing the tongue, maintaining the airway, and transmitting volatile anesthetics by inhalation or endotracheal tube during tonsillectomy or other oropharyngeal surgery.

Crowe-Da·vis mouth gag

(krō-dā'vis mowth gag) Instrument used for opening the mouth, depressing the tongue, maintaining the airway, and transmitting volatile anesthetics during tonsillectomy or other oropharyngeal surgery.


John Staige, U.S. surgeon, 1872-1946. Crowe-Davis mouth gag - Synonym(s): Davis-Crowe mouth gagDavis graft - small pieces (2 to 3 mm) of full-thickness skin. Synonym(s): pinch graftDavis-Crowe mouth gag - instrument used for opening the mouth, depressing the tongue, maintaining the airway, and transmitting volatile anesthetics during tonsillectomy or other oropharyngeal surgery. Synonym(s): Crowe-Davis mouth gag


Samuel J., U.S. physician, 1883-1955. Crowe-Davis mouth gag - Synonym(s): Davis-Crowe mouth gagCrowe sign - in the presence of lateral sinus thrombosis, internal jugular vein compression resulting in engorgement of retinal vessels.Davis-Crowe mouth gag - see under Davis