Acronym | Definition |
FNO➣Futures and Options (investment banking) |
FNO➣Fuoco Negli Occhi (Italian: Fire In Your Eyes) |
FNO➣From Now On |
FNO➣Fixed Network Operator (telephony) |
FNO➣Fresno (Amtrak station code; Fresno, CA) |
FNO➣Friday Night Out |
FNO➣Fédération Nationale des Orthophonistes (French: National Speech Federation) |
FNO➣Foreign National Offender (UK) |
FNO➣Foreign Network Operator |
FNO➣Festival Network Online (est. 1996) |
FNO➣For No One (Beatles song) |
FNO➣Fédération Nationale Ovine (French: National Sheep Federation) |
FNO➣Frozen Natural Orbital |
FNO➣For Nerds Only |
FNO➣Following Named Officer(s) |
FNO➣Foreign Namespace Object |
FNO➣Friends Night Out |
FNO➣Failure's No Option (athletic sportswear; Mesa, AZ) |
FNO➣Free Night Out (Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets) |
FNO➣Fleet Navigation Officer (Canada) |