Acronym | Definition |
CEDRA➣Center of Excellence in Design Robotics and Automation (Sharif University of Technology; Tehran, Iran) |
CEDRA➣Centre d'Etudes, de Documentation et de Recherches sur l'Astrologie (French: Center for Studies, Documentation and Research on Astrology) |
CEDRA➣Centre d'Etudes des Discrimination, du Racisme et de l'Antisémitisme (French: Center for Studies of Discrimination, Racism and Antisemitism; est. 2005; EU) |
CEDRA➣Conditionnement et Entreposage de Déchets Radioactifs (French: Packaging and Storage of Radioactive Waste) |
CEDRA➣Center for Economic Development Research and Assistance (New Mexico State University) |
CEDRA➣Controlled Simple Excitation for Dephasing Rotational Amplitudes |