Clevenger fissure

in·fe·ri·or tem·po·ral sul·cus

[TA] the sulcus on the basal aspect of the temporal lobe that separates the fusiform gyrus from the inferior temporal gyrus on its lateral side. Synonym(s): sulcus temporalis inferior [TA], Clevenger fissure

Clevenger fissure

(klē′vĕn-jĕr) [Shobal V. Clevenger, U.S. neurologist, 1843–1920.] The inferior temporal fissure of the brain.


Shobal V., U.S. neurologist, 1843-1920. Clevenger fissure - the sulcus on the basal aspect of the temporal lobe that separates the fusiform gyrus from the inferior temporal gyrus on its lateral side. Synonym(s): inferior temporal sulcus