ductal carcinoma

duct car·ci·no·ma

, ductal carcinomaa carcinoma derived from epithelium of ducts, for example, in the breast or pancreas.

ductal carcinoma

Infiltrating duct carcinoma, infiltrating carcinoma–not otherwise specified Oncology The major pathologic form of breast CA, which accounts for 50-75% of all invasive breast CAs Pathology To be defined as DC, 90% of tissue examined must have a ductal pattern; grossly, DC is indurated with a stellate pattern of extension; DC imparts an unripe pear sensation when cut with a fresh scalpel. See Axillary dissection, Estrogen receptors. Cf Lobular carcinoma, Medullary carcinoma.

Ductal carcinoma

A type of cancer that accounts for as much as 80% of breast cancers. These tumors feel bigger than they look on ultrasound or mammogram.Mentioned in: Breast Ultrasound