

单词 brucellosis



B0512500 (bro͞o′sə-lō′sĭs)n.1. An infectious disease in humans caused by some species of bacteria of the genus Brucella, that is transmitted by contact with infected animals or raw milk products and marked by fever, malaise, severe headache, and joint pain. Also called Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever, undulant fever.2. An infectious disease chiefly of domestic animals, such as cattle, sheep, goats, and dogs, that is caused by some species of bacteria of the genus Brucella, and sometimes results in spontaneous abortions in newly infected animals. Also called Bang's disease.
[brucell(a) + -osis.]


(ˌbruːsɪˈləʊsɪs) n (Veterinary Science) an infectious disease of cattle, goats, dogs, and pigs, caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella and transmittable to humans (e.g. by drinking contaminated milk): symptoms include fever, chills, and severe headache. Also called: undulant fever [C20: from New Latin Brucella, named after Sir David Bruce (1855–1931), Australian bacteriologist and physician]


(ˌbru səˈloʊ sɪs)

n. infection with bacteria of the Brucella genus, frequently causing spontaneous abortions in animals and remittent fever in humans. Also called undulant fever. [1925–30; < New Latin Brucell(a) (after Dutch. Bruce; see -ella) + -osis]
Noun1.brucellosis - infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by contact with infected animals or infected meat or milk products; characterized by fever and headacheGibraltar fever, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever, Rock fever, undulant feverinfectious disease - a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact
2.brucellosis - an infectious disease of domestic animals often resulting in spontaneous abortion; transmittable to human beingsBang's disease, contagious abortionzoonosis, zoonotic disease - an animal disease that can be transmitted to humans



(bro͞o'səlō`sĭs) or

Bang's disease,

infectious disease of farm animals that is sometimes transmitted to humans. In humans the disease is also known as undulant fever, Mediterranean fever, or Malta fever. In susceptible animals, primarily cattle, swine, and goats, brucellosis causes infertility and death. The symptoms are spontaneous abortion and inability to conceive in females and inflammation of sex organs in male animals. Animal brucellosis is transmitted by contact or by such mechanical vectors as contaminated food, water, and excrement. The disease is caused by three species of Brucella bacteria, and the causative organism is present in aborted fetuses and uterine secretions; antibodies to the bacteria are present in the blood or milk, an important diagnostic factor. Measures for prevention and control of brucellosis include vaccination of calves, blood tests of adults, and slaughtering of infected animals. Human brucellosis is an occupational disease among farmers, slaughterhouse workers, and others who come in direct contact with infected animals or their products (raw meat or unpasteurized dairy products). The most prominent symptoms are weakness and intermittent fever. The disease persists for months if left untreated but is seldom fatal in humans. There is no effective vaccine for human brucellosis, and antibiotics are the usual treatment.


An infectious, zoonotic disease of various animals and humans caused by Brucella species. Each species tends to preferentially infect a particular animal, but several types can infect humans. Brucella melitensis (preferentially infects goats and sheep), B. suis (infects pigs), and B. abortus (infects cattle) are the most common causes of human brucellosis. Brucella melitensis is the most virulent for humans, followed by B. suis and B. abortus. Brucella canis and B. ovis, which infect dogs and sheep respectively, rarely infect humans. Although brucellosis is found all over the world, in many countries the disease has been eradicated. The brucellae are small, gram-negative coccobacilli which are defined as facultative intracellular parasites since they are able to replicate within specialized cells of the host.

In animals the brucellae often localize in the reproductive tract, mammary gland, and lymph node. They have a particular affinity for the pregnant uterus, leading to abortion and reduced milk production with resultant economic loss to the farmer. Wildlife, including elk, feral pigs, bison, and reindeer, can become infected and can spread the disease to domestic livestock.

Brucellosis in humans is characterized by undulant fever, cold sweats, chills, muscular pain, and severe weakness. Some individuals may have recurrent bouts of the disease in which a variety of organs may be affected, sometimes resulting in death. The disease can be contracted by consuming unpasteurized milk or cheese, or via the introduction of organisms through small skin lesions or as an aerosol through the conjunctiva and the respiratory system. Treatment with tetracycline and other antibiotics is most successful if started early after symptoms occur. Development of the disease can be prevented if treatment is initiated immediately after contact with potentially infected material.

At present there are no effective vaccines for humans. The disease can be eliminated only by eradicating it in animals. A major source of brucellosis in humans is the consumption of B. melitensis–infected milk and cheese from goats. Incidence can be reduced by pasteurizing milk. Animals can be vaccinated to increase their immunity against brucellosis and therefore reduce abortions and disease transmission. See Epidemiology, Medical bacteriology



or Malta fever, or Bang’s disease, a generalized acute or chronic infectious-allergic disease of man and animals. It is characterized by multiformity of clinical manifestations; a prolonged course; and affection of the nervous system, bones, and joints. The causative agents of brucellosis are Brucella microorganisms of three species: B. melitensis, found in goats and sheep; B. abortus, found in cattle; and B. suis, found in swine.

All species of animals and humans may become infected from diseased goats, sheep, cattle, and swine. The principal source of infection is diseased animals, from which Brucella organisms are shed during abortion with the fetus and uterine secretions and with the afterbirth, milk, urine, and feces.

Humans become infected when using Brucella-infected milk, milk products (including insufficiently ripened brynza), and meat (that was not cooked sufficiently) from animals ill with brucellosis and also when caring for sick animals, cleaning the premises of infected cattle, or giving help to an animal whose fetus has been aborted. (The fetus and amniotic fluid are very infectious.) The causative agents of brucellosis may also penetrate the human body through a wound in the skin or the mucous membranes (abrasions, scratches, and so on) or through the respiratory tract. Upon entering the body, the Brucella organisms stay for a short time in the lymph nodes, then enter the bloodstream, and are carried with the blood to various tissues and organs, where they evoke defensive reactions in response. Along with this, there occurs an immunologic reorganization of the body, and the body acquires an increased sensitivity to Brucella organisms and to their metabolic products (the body is sensitized); an allergy develops. All organs and tissues may be affected by brucellosis. There are known to be brucellotic endocarditides, aortitides, thrombophlebitides, pleurisies, and bronchoadenitides. In men the testes may be affected (orchitides, epididymitides); in women, the fallopian tubes (salpingitides), ovaries (oophoritides), and uterus (metritides). Abortions often occur; moreover, pregnancy aggravates the course of brucellosis. Most often the support-motor apparatus is affected—joints, tendons, and ligaments. In typical cases the disease manifests itself after two or three weeks (incubation period). The temperature increases to 39°-40° C, and intense sweats occur. Subsequently, the fever is intermittent: after a two-week to three-week fever period, there is a fever-free period. There may be up to six or seven such waves. Soreness is observed in the lumbar region and in the neck muscles; there is enlargement of the liver and spleen. In patients who do not receive treatment the lymph nodes may become enlarged. From the end of the first month to the beginning of the second month of illness, one or another large joint is affected; pain appears upon movement or while the person is at rest, soft tissues surrounding the joint swell, and the contours of the joint are leveled out. The course of the illness is long (about three months and sometimes as long as two or more years), and there are recurrences. As a result of affection of the joints, movement in them may be sharply curtailed (contractures), which leads to invalidism. Brucellosis is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms of the disease, ascertaining the causes and conditions of infection (epidemiologic data), and also through laboratory tests (Wright-Huddleston reaction, allergic skin test of Burnet).

Treatment in the acute period and during recurrences consists of antibiotics; for a chronic course with recurrences, of vaccino-therapy and antibiotics. For residual symptoms health-spa treatment is recommended. Prophylaxis consists in observing measures for preventing infection when there is contact with sick animals or use of their milk products or meat. Vaccination is another preventive measure.


Rudnev, G. P. Zoonozy, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1959.
Bunin, K. V. Diagnostika infektsionnykh boleznei. Moscow, 1965.


In animals, the causative agent most often enters through the digestive tract along with food and water; it can also enter through the mucous membranes and the skin. Pigs and sheep most often become infected via the sexual organs during mating. Brucellosis infection may occur from using pastures and watering facilities previously used by sick animals. The infection can also be spread by persons tending the animals.

Upon entering an animal’s organism, the Brucella organisms establish themselves and multiply, chiefly in the pregnant uterus, the udder, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and seminal glands. Abortion is the chief symptom. During the first years that brucellosis appears on a farm, many animals (20 to 50 percent and more) abort; later, only isolated cases of abortion occur. Other symptoms observed in sick animals include retention of the afterbirth; inflammation of the uterus, udder, and joints; inflammation of the testes in males; and purulent swellings on the back of the neck and around the withers in horses. The disease often develops without clinical symptoms, which is why brucellosis is diagnosed by special methods, such as bacteriological methods (isolating the pathogen), serological methods (studying the animals’ blood serum), and the use of allergic reactions (introducing preparations made with Brucella organisms into the skin).

Brucellosis occurs in almost all countries of the world and causes great economic losses, since it reduces the number of offspring and the productivity of animals. Considerable sums are spent on measures to prevent brucellosis. Treatment for sick animals has not been developed. Vaccines developed from live weakened Brucella organisms, with which calves and lambs could be inoculated, have been suggested as prophylaxis. Individual and organizational measures are being implemented to protect those farms still free of brucellosis and to rid affected farms of the disease. The greatest attention is being focused on detecting and slaughtering sick animals, raising healthy young stock in isolation, and destroying the brucellosis pathogen in the environment. In the USSR systematic antibrucellosis measures are being carried out to liquidate and prevent brucellosis in animals.


Iuskovets, M. K. Brutsellez sel’skokhoziastvennykh zhivotnykh. Moscow, 1960.
Orlov, E. S. “Brutsellez.” In Veterinarnaia entsiklopediia, vol. 1. Moscow, 1968.


[‚brü·sə′lō·səs] (medicine) An infectious bacterial disease of humans caused by Brucella species acquired by contact with diseased animals. Also known as Malta fever; Mediterranean fever; undulant fever. (veterinary medicine) contagious abortion


an infectious disease of cattle, goats, dogs, and pigs, caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella and transmittable to man (eg by drinking contaminated milk): symptoms include fever, chills, and severe headache





Brucellosis is a bacterial disease caused by members of the Brucella genus that can infect humans but primarily infects livestock. Symptoms of the disease include intermittent fever, sweating, chills, aches, and mental depression. The disease can become chronic and recur, particularly if untreated.


Also known as undulant fever, Malta fever, Gibraltar fever, Bang's disease, or Mediterranean fever, brucellosis is most likely to occur among those individuals who regularly work with livestock. The disease originated in domestic livestock but was passed on to wild animal species, including the elk and buffalo of the western United States. In humans, brucellosis continues to be spread via unpasteurized milk obtained from infected cows or through contact with the discharges of cattle and goats during miscarriage. In areas of the world where milk is not pasteurized, for example in Latin America and the Mediterranean, the disease is still contracted by ingesting unpasteurized dairy products. However, in the United States, the widespread pasteurization of milk and nearly complete eradication of the infection from cattle has reduced the number of human cases from 6,500 in 1940 to about 70 in 1994.

Causes and symptoms

The disease is caused by several different species of parasitic bacteria of the genus Brucella. B. abortus is found in cattle and can cause cows to abort their fetuses. B. suis is most often found in hogs and is more deadly when contracted by humans than the organism found in cattle. B. melitensis is found in goats and sheep and causes the most severe illness in humans. B. rangiferi infects reindeer and caribou, and B. canis is found in dogs.A human contracts the disease by coming into contact with an infected animal and either allowing the bacteria to enter a cut, breathing in the bacteria, or by consuming unpasteurized milk or fresh goat cheese obtained from a contaminated animal. In the United States, the disease is primarily confined to slaughterhouse workers.Scientists do not agree about whether brucellosis can be transmitted from one person to another, although some people have been infected from a tainted blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant. Newborn babies have also contracted the illness from their mothers during birth. Currently, it is believed that brucellosis can also be transmitted sexually.The disease is not usually fatal, but the intermittent fevers (a source of its nickname, "undulant fever") can be exhausting. Symptoms usually appear between five days and a month after exposure and begin with a single bout of high fever accompanied by shivering, aching, and drenching sweats that last for a few days. Other symptoms may include headache, poor appetite, backache, weakness, and depression. Mental depression can be so severe that the patient may become suicidal.

Key terms

Antibody — A specific protein produced by the immune system in response to a specific foreign protein or particle called an antigen.Chronic — Disease or condition characterized by slow onset over a long period of time.Parasite — An organism living in or on, and obtaining nourishment from, another organism.Pasteurization — The process of applying heat, usually to milk or cheese, for the purpose of killing, or retarding the development of, pathogenic bacteria.In rare, untreated cases, the disease can become so severe that it leads to fatal complications, such as pneumonia or bacterial meningitis. B. melitensis can cause miscarriages, especially during the first three months of pregnancy. The condition can also occur in a chronic form, in which symptoms recur over a period of months or years.


Brucellosis is usually diagnosed by detecting one or more Brucella species in blood or urine samples. The bacteria may be positively identified using biochemical methods or using a technique whereby, if present in the sample, the brucellosis bacteria are made to fluoresce. Brucellosis may also be diagnosed by culturing and isolating the bacteria from one of the above samples. Blood samples will also indicate elevated antibody levels or increased amounts of a protein produced directly in response to infection with brucellosis bacteria.


Prolonged treatment with antibiotics, including tetracyclines (with streptomycin), co-trimoxazole, and sulfonamides, is effective. Bed rest is also imperative. In the chronic form of brucellosis, the symptoms may recur, requiring a second course of treatment.


Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is essential to prevent chronic infection. Untreated, the disease may linger for years, but it is rarely fatal. Relapses may also occur.


There is no human vaccine for brucellosis, but humans can be protected by controlling the disease in livestock. After checking to make sure an animal is not already infected, and destroying those that are, all livestock should be immunized. Butchers and those who work in slaughterhouses should wear protective glasses and clothing, and protect broken skin from infection.Some experts suggest that a person with the disease refrain from engaging in unprotected sex until free of the disease. The sexual partners of an infected person should also be closely monitored for signs of infection.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1600 Clifton Rd., NE, Atlanta, GA 30333. (800) 311-3435, (404) 639-3311. http://www.cdc.gov.


"Bacterial Diseases." Healthtouch Online Page. 〈http:www.healthtouch.com〉.Centers for Disease Control. 〈http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/ddt/ddthome.htm〉.


 [broo″sel-o´sis] a generalized infection involving primarily the reticuloendothelial system, marked by remittent fluctuating fever, malaise, and headache. It is caused by various species of Brucella and is transmitted to humans from domestic animals such as pigs, goats, and cattle, especially through infected milk or contact with the carcass of an infected animal.
The disease is also called undulant fever because one of the major symptoms in humans is a fever that fluctuates widely at regular intervals. The symptoms in the beginning stages are difficult to notice and include loss of weight and increased irritability. As the illness advances, headaches, chills, diaphoresis, and muscle aches and pains appear. It is possible for these symptoms to persist for years, either intermittently or continuously, although most patients recover completely within 2 to 6 months. Diagnosis is confirmed by blood cultures or serologic agglutination tests.
Treatment consists of rest and supportive care with a prolonged antibiotic regimen. Prevention is best accomplished by the pasteurization of milk and a program of testing, vaccination, and elimination of infected animals.


(brū'sel-ō'sis), Infectious diseases caused by the bacteria Brucella melitensis biovars, characterized by fever, sweating, weakness, orchitis, aches, and pains, and transmitted to humans by direct contact with diseased animals or through ingestion of infected meat, milk, or cheese, and particularly hazardous to veterinarians, farmers, and slaughterhouse workers; although some crossing over by species may occur, Brucella melitensis, Brucella melitensis biovar abortus, Brucella melitensis biovar canis, and Brucella melitensis biovar suis characteristically affect goats, cattle, dogs, and swine, respectively. Synonym(s): febris undulans, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever (1) , undulating fever


(bro͞o′sə-lō′sĭs)n.1. An infectious disease in humans caused by some species of bacteria of the genus Brucella, that is transmitted by contact with infected animals or raw milk products and marked by fever, malaise, severe headache, and joint pain. Also called Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever, undulant fever.2. An infectious disease chiefly of domestic animals, such as cattle, sheep, goats, and dogs, that is caused by some species of bacteria of the genus Brucella, and sometimes results in spontaneous abortions in newly infected animals. Also called Bang's disease.


A highly contagiously infection by Brucella spp, primarily B abortus (less commonly, B melintensis and B suis), caused by skin contact with infected cattle, goats and sheep or consumption of contaminated milk or meat.
Primarily affects veterinarians, farmers, wool sorters and dairy workers, who are occupationally exposed to infected animals, meats or spore-laden wool.
Clinical findings
Fever, sweating, malaise, aches, meningitis, abscesses of brain, liver, spleen, cholecytitis, endocarditis, arthritis, spondylitis, osteomyelitis, erythema nodosum, inhalation pneumonitis.
Doxycycline, rifampin for 6+ weeks.
Generally less than 5%.


Bang's disease, Malta fever, undulating fever Infectious disease Infection by Brucella spp, primarily B abortus, less commonly, B melintensis and B suis Epidemiology Primarily affects veterinarians, farmers, wool sorters, dairy workers, who are occupationally exposed to infected animals, meats, spore-laden wool Clinical Fever, sweating, malaise, aches, meningitis, abscesses of brain, liver, spleen, cholecystitis, endocarditis, arthritis, spondylitis, osteomyelitis, erythema nodosum, inhalation pneumonitis Lab Agglutination positive Management Doxycycline, rifampin for 6+ wks


(brū'sel-ō'sis) An infectious disease caused by Brucella, characterized byfever, sweating, weakness, and aching, and transmitted to humans by direct contact with diseased animals or through ingestion of infected meat or milk.
Synonym(s): undulant fever.


An infectious disease, caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella , and contracted by eating infected meat and dairy products, or by contact with the secretions of sheep, goats or cows. The disease is characterized by lethargy, general MALAISE, aches and pains and fever. The fever lasts for a week or so, settles for a few days, then returns (undulant fever). Sometimes these recurrences persist for months or years, usually becoming progressively milder. (Major-General Sir David Bruce, 1855–1931, British Army pathologist).


a feverish disease caused by the bacterium Brucella that occurs commonly in cattle, sheep and goats. Infection of B. abortus in cattle can cause spontaneous abortion of calves and an attenuated live VACCINE has been developed to decrease the prevalence of the pathogen.


Sir David, English surgeon, 1855-1931. Brucella abortus - infectious bacteria causing abortions in cattle, sheep, mares; causes undulant fever in man and a wasting disease in chickens. Synonym(s): abortus bacillus; Bang bacillusBrucella - a genus of encapsulated, nonmotile bacteria (family Brucellaceae) causing infection of the genital organs, the mammary gland, and the respiratory and intestinal tracts.brucellosis - an infectious disease caused by Brucella, and transmitted by direct contact with diseased animals or through ingestion of infected meat, milk, or cheese. Synonym(s): febris undulans; Malta fever; Mediterranean fever; undulant fever


an island in the Mediterranean Sea south of Sicily. Malta fever - Synonym(s): brucellosis

Patient discussion about brucellosis

Q. Can Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) cause a heart enlargement? A friend of mine is suffering from FMF. its usually doesn't bother him that much and when it dose the symptoms are stomach ache and fever. he has no heart symptoms and takes no medications.his physician told him that because of the FMF he might suffer from a heart enlargement, and that he should take some oral medications daily to prevent it.how can it be?A. This question can't be answered with a strict yes or no.
although FMF on its own can't cause heart enlargement, FMF can cause amyloidosis because of the recurrent inflammation. this may lead to enlargement of the heart which is a severe disease.
the good side is that taking medication can decrease the chance of the cardiac enlargement.

More discussions about brucellosis


Related to brucellosis: Brucella, bovine brucellosis
  • noun

Synonyms for brucellosis

noun infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by contact with infected animals or infected meat or milk products


  • Gibraltar fever
  • Malta fever
  • Mediterranean fever
  • Rock fever
  • undulant fever

Related Words

  • infectious disease

noun an infectious disease of domestic animals often resulting in spontaneous abortion


  • Bang's disease
  • contagious abortion

Related Words

  • zoonosis
  • zoonotic disease




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