Bruce Peninsula National Park
Bruce Peninsula National Park
PO Box 189
Tobermory, ON N0H2R0
Size: 154 sq. km.
Established: 1987.
Location:On the northern tip of the Bruce Peninsula, between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, in eastern Ontario. Accessible from the south along Highway 6 or from the north via Ontario Northland Ferry M.S. Chi-Cheemaun, which operates during the spring, summer and fall. Area is also accessible by private boat or by plane.
Facilities:Campgrounds and backcountry campsites, hiking trails, interpretive centers. The village of Tobermory, 11 km northwest of Cyprus Lake, providesmedical services, stores, private campgrounds, lodgings, and groceries.A full range of visitor services is also available along Highway 6.
Activities:Hiking, camping (year-round), swimming, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, wildlife and wildflower viewing, interpretive and educational programs.
Special Features:Park protects a rugged limestone landscape and one of the largest remaining tracts of forest in southern Ontario. Its shoreline cliffs are part of Ontario´s "Great Wall", the Niagara Escarpment, a World Biosphere Reserve that runs from Niagara Falls to Tobermory. The park features a 20-km segment of the Bruce Trail, which follows the Niagara Escarpment for 782 kms. Plant life in the park includes 43 species of orchids and more than 20 varieties of ferns, including the rare northern holly fern.
See other parks in Ontario.