Acronym | Definition |
CRR➣Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional (French: Regional Influence Conservatory) |
CRR➣Capital Requirements Regulation (EU) |
CRR➣Certificat Restreint de Radiotéléphoniste (French: Restricted Operator's Certificate) |
CRR➣Cash Reserve Ratio |
CRR➣Center for Retirement Research (Boston College) |
CRR➣Congestion Revenue Rights (electricity) |
CRR➣Cemal Resit Rey (Turkish concert hall) |
CRR➣Carbo Ceramics Inc (stock symbol) |
CRR➣Cox Ross Rubinstein (financial options valuation model) |
CRR➣Center for Reproductive Rights |
CRR➣Current Run Rate |
CRR➣Conseil Régional de la Réunion (French: Regional Reunion Council) |
CRR➣Credit Risk Rating |
CRR➣Card Reader Replacement |
CRR➣Corporate Risk Rating |
CRR➣Code Review Record |
CRR➣Continuous Remote Replication |
CRR➣Continuous Renal Replacement |
CRR➣Cost Recovery Rate |
CRR➣Certified Realtime Reporter |
CRR➣Contract Rights Renewal (UK) |
CRR➣Country Risk Rating (various organizations) |
CRR➣Cooperatively Rearranging Region (crystals) |
CRR➣Common Root Rot (plant disease) |
CRR➣Closed Ring Resonator |
CRR➣Credit Report Request |
CRR➣Concussion Recognition and Response (smartphone application; trademark of Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.) |
CRR➣Centre de Recherche Routière (French: Central Road Research; Belgium) |
CRR➣Centre for Refugee Research (Australia) |
CRR➣Central Readiness Regiment (Japan) |
CRR➣Clinchfield Railroad |
CRR➣Context Representation and Reasoning |
CRR➣Calandre Rétro Rouennaise (French automobile club) |
CRR➣Common Risk Rules (trade; EU) |
CRR➣Call Return Rate |
CRR➣Cuminanza Rumantscha Radio e Televisiun (Romansh speaking Radio and Television, Switzerland) |
CRR➣Center for Renewable Resources |
CRR➣Criminal Record Report |
CRR➣Center for Radiological Research |
CRR➣Centre for Remanufacturing & Reuse (UK) |
CRR➣Campaign for Renters' Rights (Oakland, CA) |
CRR➣Certification Requirements Review |
CRR➣Client Relations Representative |
CRR➣Career and Recovery Resources, Inc. (Houston, TX; est. 1945) |
CRR➣Clinical Reportable Range |
CRR➣Case Reconciliation Review |
CRR➣Churchill Research Range |
CRR➣Critical Requirements Review (NASA) |
CRR➣Computer Run Report (NASA) |
CRR➣Capacity-Related Reliability |
CRR➣Change Request Reply |
CRR➣Cognizant Regional Representative |
CRR➣Customer Relation Representative |
CRR➣Crew Readiness Review |
CRR➣Credential Record Reference |
CRR➣Cyber Risk Report (Cisco Systems) |
CRR➣Carcass Return Rate |
CRR➣Competitive Rate Request |
CRR➣Change Request Report |
CRR➣Common Radio Room |
CRR➣Cargo Release Request (shipping) |
CRR➣Consumer's Reliability Risk |
CRR➣Clutter Rejection Radar |
CRR➣Contingency Retention Requirement |
CRR➣Candidate Referral Roster |
CRR➣Center for Radiation Research |
CRR➣Comparison Risk Ranking |
CRR➣Community Recovery Residence |
CRR➣Cost Recovery Regulations |