Congress of the Komsomol
Congress of the Komsomol
a higher organ of the Komsomol (All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League).
According to the Rules of the Komsomol, which were adopted by the Fourteenth Congress of the Komsomol in 1962 and amended by the Fifth Congress in 1966 and the Seventeenth Congress in 1974, congresses are convened by the Central Committee of the Komsomol at least once every four years (Rules of the Komsomol, 1975, sec. 25). The convocation and agenda of the congress are announced at least six weeks before the congress. The norms of representation are determined by the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
The congress hears and approves the reports of the Central Committee and Central Auditing Commission of the Komsomol; reviews, amends, and endorses the Rules of the Komsomol; sets forth the general line of work and immediate tasks of the Komsomol; and elects the Central Committee and Central Auditing Commission of the Komsomol (sec. 26). The decisions of the congress are binding on all organizations and members of the Komsomol.
Congresses of the Komsomol are conducted on a broad, democratic basis; the election of delegates is by secret ballot at Komsomol congresses in the Union republics and at Komsomol conferences in the krais and oblasts.
Since its inception in 1918, the Komsomol has held 18 congresses, the last in 1978. Each congress is an important stage in the life of the Komsomol.