

单词 client
释义 IdiomsSeea man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client



1. a customer 2. a person who is registered with or receiving services or financial aid from a welfare agency 3. Computing a program or work station that requests data or information from a server


The person or organization who has a need for a project; responsible for the overall financing of the work and directly or indirectly employs the entire design and building team.


[′klī·ənt] (computer science) A hardware or software entity that requests shared services from a server.


(programming)A computer system or process that requests aservice of another computer system or process (a "server")using some kind of protocol and accepts the server'sresponses. A client is part of a client-server softwarearchitecture.

For example, a workstation requesting the contents of a filefrom a file server is a client of the file server.


(1) A desktop computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet, as well as any other electronic device that sends or receives data from a server. The term implies a connection to a wired or wireless network. Contrast with server. See client application, client download, client/server, thin client and fat client.

(2) One end of the spectrum in a request/supply relationship between programs. See X Window and OLE.

(3) The customer of a vendor or consultant. The client of an IT department is the end user.



 [kli´ent] the term most often used as a synonym for a patient who receives health care in an care" >ambulatory care setting, especially when health maintenance rather than illness care is the primary service provided. Sometimes this term is preferred to denote a collaborative relationship rather than a hierarchical one.


A program that makes a service request of another program, usually running on a server, which then fulfills the request. Web browsers are clients that request HTML files from web servers.


Psychology Patient Any person who is voluntarily or involuntarily receiving mental health services or substance abuse services from any mental health service provider


(klī'ĕnt) A patron or customer; one who receives a professional service from another; one who seeks or receives advice or therapy from a health care professional.
Compare: patient
[L. cliens, protégé, dependent]

Patient discussion about client

Q. I ask a client's Dr. to script flexaril for a lower back spasm and he made it for a drug called zanaflex? I am unfamiliar with zanaflex, what is the difference between it and flexaril 25mg? Benefits? Risks? I got him to order the air mattress and extended bed because client is 6'3" and is already bedridden on my 1st day..try to beat the skin breakdown, already stage I decubitis ulcers. I tried to talk the client into slideboard and lift away arm wheelchair...noway..he wants to walk bent with a rolling walker. He already had a lift chair delivered, so he just goes from bed to lift chair. He refuses to let me bathe him. He can't see, and he has me check his draw up on insulin to make sure it's right. He sends the P.T. man right back out the door after he signs the sheet. Difficult pt.!A. Flexeril and Zanaflex are different drugs but are both muscle relaxants. There are hardly any differences between the two, clinically wise. If the doctor thought one is better than the other for your client I would suggest you take his advice and use the one he gave you.

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Synonyms for client

noun customer


  • customer
  • consumer
  • buyer
  • patron
  • shopper
  • habitué
  • patient

Synonyms for client

noun one who buys goods or services


  • buyer
  • customer
  • patron
  • purchaser

Synonyms for client

noun a person who seeks the advice of a lawyer

Related Words

  • law
  • jurisprudence
  • case
  • attorney-client relation
  • lawyer-client relation

noun someone who pays for goods or services


  • customer

Related Words

  • consumer
  • buyer
  • emptor
  • purchaser
  • vendee
  • guest
  • frequenter
  • patron
  • policyholder
  • shopper
  • disburser
  • expender
  • spender
  • reader
  • subscriber
  • taker
  • warrantee
  • whoremaster
  • whoremonger
  • john
  • trick
  • business relation

noun (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network


  • guest
  • node

Related Words

  • computer
  • computing device
  • computing machine
  • data processor
  • electronic computer
  • information processing system
  • computer network
  • computer science
  • computing




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