aortic opening


 [o´pen-ing] a gap or open space; anatomic nomenclature for various types of openings includes aditus, aperture, foramen, fossa, hiatus, inlet, meatus, orifice, ostium, and outlet.aortic opening 1. the aperture in the diaphragm for passage of the descending aorta.2. aortic orifice.cardiac opening the opening from the esophagus into the stomach.pulmonary opening (opening of pulmonary trunk) pulmonary orifice.pyloric opening the opening between the stomach and duodenum.

a·or·tic hi·a·tus

[TA] the opening in the diaphragm, at the level of vertebra T12, bounded by the two crura, the vertebral column, and the median arcuate ligament, through which the aorta and thoracic duct pass. Synonym(s): hiatus aorticus [TA], aortic foramen, aortic opening

aortic opening

The opening in the diaphragm through which the aorta passes.See also: opening