释义 |
duc·tion (dŭk'shŭn), 1. The act of leading, bringing, conducting. 2. In ophthalmology, ocular rotations with reference to one eye; usually additionally designating direction of movement of the eye; for example, rotation toward the nose, adduction; toward the temple, abduction; upward, supra- or sursumduction; downward, deorsumduction; of the upper pole of one cornea, cycloduction; of the upper pole of one cornea outward, excycloduction; of the upper pole of one cornea inward, incycloduction. [L. duco, to lead] duc·tion (dŭk'shŭn) 1. The act of leading, bringing, conducting. 2. In ophthalmology, ocular rotations with reference to one eye; usually additionally designating direction of movement of the eye. [L. duco, to lead]duction1. Movement of one eye alone as in abduction, adduction, depression, elevation, etc. 2. Disjunctive binocular movements (although it is more correct to call these movements vergences). See dextroduction; laevoduction; disjunctive eye movements. binocular duction refers to the maximum vergence powers that can be exerted while maintaining single binocular vision through prisms, either in the base-in or base-out direction. Binocular ductions are measured from the passive position (or phoria position) to the break point. |