Enterobacter aerogenes

En·ter·o·bac·ter aer·o·genes

a bacterial species found in water, soil, sewage, dairy products, and the feces of humans and other animals. Organisms previously identified as motile strains of Aerobacter aerogenes are now placed in this species. Synonym(s): Klebsiella mobilis

En·ter·o·bac·ter aer·o·genes

(en'tĕr-ō-bak'tĕr ār-oj'ĕ-nēz) A bacterial species often recovered from wounds, urine, blood, and spinal fluid of hospitalized patients.

Enterobacter aerogenes

A species that occurs normally in the intestines of humans and other animals and is found in decayed matter, on grains, and in plants. It causes opportunistic infections of the urinary tract and of the intestine when antibiotic therapy diminishes other microorganisms. See also: Enterobacter