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enterocolostomySurgical joining of the colon to the small intestine.enterocolostomy
enterocolostomy [en″ter-o-kah-los´tah-me] surgical anastomosis of the small intestine to the colon.en·ter·o·co·los·to·my (en'tĕr-ō-kō-los'tŏ-mē), Establishment of a new communication between the small intestine and the colon. [entero- + G. kōlon, colon, + stoma, mouth] enterocolostomy (ĕn′tə-rō-kə-lŏs′tə-mē)n.1. The surgical formation of a connection between the small intestine and colon.2. The connection itself.en·ter·o·co·los·to·my (en'tĕr-ō-kŏ-los'tŏ-mē) Establishment of an artificial opening between the small intestine and the colon. [entero- + G. kōlon, colon, + stoma, mouth] |