Dieulafoy erosion

Dieu·la·foy e·ro·sion

(dyū-lah-fwah'), acute ulcerative gastroenteritis complicating pneumonia, possibly caused by overproduction of adrenal steroid hormones.


Georges, French physician, 1839-1911. Dieulafoy disease - Synonym(s): Dieulafoy erosionDieulafoy erosion - acute ulcerative gastroenteritis complicating pneumonia, possibly caused by overproduction of adrenal steroid hormones. Synonym(s): Dieulafoy diseaseDieulafoy lesionDieulafoy theory - an obsolete theory that appendicitis is always the result of the transformation of the appendicular canal into a closed cavity.Dieulafoy vascular malformation of the stomach