enteroinvasive Escherichia coli

en·ter·o·in·va·sive Esch·e·rich·i·a co·li (EIEC),

that strain of Escherichia coli penetrates gut mucosa and multiplies in colon epithelial cells, resulting in shigellosislike changes of the mucosa. This strain produces a severe diarrheal illness that can resemble shigellosis except for the absence of vomiting and shorter duration of illness.

en·ter·o·in·va·sive Esch·e·rich·i·a co·li

(EIEC) (en'tĕr-ō-in-vā'siv esh-ĕ-rik'ē-ă kō'lī) Strain of E. coli that penetrates gut mucosa and multiplies in colon epithelial cells, resulting in shigellosislike changes of the mucosa. This strain produces a severe diarrheal illness that can resemble shigellosis except for the absence of vomiting and a shorter duration of illness.

enteroinvasive Escherichia coli

Abbreviation: EIEC
A type of E. coli that invades and multiplies in the epithelial cells of the distal ileum and colon causing dysentery, principally in infants and children. See also: Escherichia coli