Brussels Program of 1879
Brussels Program of 1879
the conventional name of the first printed program of the Polish Socialists. It was prepared in Warsaw and L’vov and was published in October 1879 in Geneva in the first issue of the Polish Socialist journal Równość. It was called the Brussels Program for conspiratorial reasons. The Brussels Program called for a struggle for socialism; it considered socialism to be the result of a social revolution carried out by the people under the leadership of the Socialist Party. However, the Brussels Program viewed this revolution as a change only in the field of the economy; it did not even pose the question of political power and the forms of the future state. (The influence of anarchism could be seen here.) The Brussels Program supported the slogans of international proletarian solidarity and sharply criticized Polish bourgeois nationalism.
Równość, 1879, no. 1.REFERENCES
Volkovicher, I. Nachalo sotsialisticheskogo rabochego dvizheniia v byvshei russkoi Pol’she, part 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1925.Zhigunov, E. K., and E. B. Rashkovskii. “Rannie programmy sotsialisticheskogo dvizheniia v Pol’she.” Sovetskoe slavianovedenie, 1965, no. 6, pp. 12-24.
Snytko, T. G. Russkoe narodnichestvo i pol’skoe obshchestvennoe dvizhenie, 1865-1881 gg. Moscow, 1969. Pages 289-320.