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DictionarySeeextensorextensor retinaculum
ex·ten·sor ret·i·nac·u·lum [TA] a strong fibrous band formed as a thickening of the antebrachial deep fascia, stretching obliquely across the back of the wrist, attaching deeply to ridges on the dorsal aspect of the radius, triquetral, and pisiform bones, and binding down the extensor tendons of the fingers and thumb. Synonym(s): retinaculum musculorum extensorum [TA], dorsal carpal ligament, ligamentum carpi dorsaleex·ten·sor ret·i·nac·u·lum (eks-ten'sŏr ret'i-nak'yū-lŭm) [TA] A strong fibrous band formed as a thickening of the antebrachial deep fascia, stretching obliquely across the back of the wrist, attaching deeply to ridges on the dorsal aspect of the radius, triquetral and pisiform bones, binding down the extensor tendons of the fingers and thumb. |