Extermination of Sources of Infection

Extermination of Sources of Infection


(Russian devastatsiia, from Latin devastatic, “devastation,” “extermination”), the complex of measures directed toward the destruction of the pathogenic organisms of parasitic and infectious diseases of humans, animals, and plants in all phases of the development of these organisms. The term devastatsiia was proposed in 1944 by K. I. Skriabin in reference to the prevention of helminthiases. Mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological means are used for the purpose of exterminating organisms of infestation and infection during their parasitic or nonparasitic stages of existence; also used are methods for making the internal and external environment unfavorable for the existence of pathogenic organisms. Devastatsiia may be total (complete extermination of disease agents) or partial (extermination of a parasite in a limited area). It includes anthelmintic treatment, chemotherapy, antibiotic therapy, phagotherapy, and disinfection.