Bryant, Louise

Bryant, Louise


Born 1890; died 1936. American writer and journalist. Born into a rich family. Worked as a schoolteacher.

In 1917, with her husband John Reed, Bryant arrived in Russia, where she witnessed the events of the Great October Socialist Revolution. She expressed her sympathy with the revolution in her book Six Red Months in Russia (1919). In 1920 and 1921 she was again in the land of the Soviets, and she met with V. I. Lenin. In her book Mirrors of Moscow (1923) there are reminiscences about V. I. Lenin, M. I. Kalinin, F. E. Dzerzhinskii.G. V. Chicherin, and other leaders.


Mirrors of Moscow. New York, 1923.
In Russian translation:
“V pervye gody (Fragmenty iz knigi Zerkala Moskvy).” In the collection Lenin vsegda s nami. Moscow, 1967.


“Lenin i Rid.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1957, no. 11.
Hicks, G., and J. Stuart, John Reed. New York, 1936.