Brzesc Kujawski

Brześć Kujawski


populated site in Poland (southwest of Włocławek) near which remains of over 30 ancient settlements from the early Neolithic period to the Middle Ages were discovered. Excavations were carried out in 1933–39 and 1950. Of special interest are the large, late Neolithic (Tisa culture) settlements of farmers and livestock breeders. About 60 large trapeziform houses and a number of burial sites were discovered in the latter. Fragments of ceramics, bone bracelets, hunting axes made of horn, and copper decorations and weapons (apparently imported) were found. Remains belonging to 15 other archaeological cultures have also been uncovered in Brześć Kujawski.


Jaźdźewski, K. “Cmentarzyska kultury ceramiki wstegowej i zwiazane z nimi ślady osadnictwa w Brześciu Kujawskim.” Wiadomości archeologiczne, 1938, vol. 15.