Brøndal, Viggo

Brøndal, Viggo


Born 1887, in Copenhagen; died there Dec. 14, 1942. Danish linguist. Brøndal was a representative of the Copenhagen school of structuralism and a specialist in Romance languages and general linguistics. In his works he investigated the ordering of a universal grammar based on the principles of logic; his monograph on prepositions (1950) is of particular interest.


Morfologi og syntax …. Copenhagen, 1932.
Essais de linguistique générale. Copenhagen, 1943.
Théorie des prépositions. Copenhagen, 1950.
In Russian translation:
“Struktural’naia lingvistika.” In Khrestomatiia po istorii iazykoznaniia XIX-XX vekov. Moscow, 1956.


Sommerfelt, A. “Viggo Brøndal.” Lingua, 1948, vol. 1, no. 2.