Feet and Legs

Feet and Legs

See also anatomy; body, human; walking.
arthropodany invertebrate of the phylum that includes insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and myriapods with jointed legs. — arthropod, arthropodal, arthropodan, arthropodous, adj.artiodactyla hooved animal having an even number of toes or digits on each foot, as pigs, sheep, deer, etc. — artiodactylous, adj.bipedan animal, as man, having two feet. — bipedal, adj.chiropodyan earlier and still frequent term for podiatry. — chiropodist, n. — chiropodial, adj.monopusa person with only one leg or foot, usually as the result of a birth defect.pedicurecare of the feet, either in a cosmetic or medical sense. — pedicurist, n.pentadactylismthe quality of having five digits on each hand and foot. — pentadactylate, pentadactylic, pentadactylous, adj.perissodactylismthe condition of having more than the usual number of digits on a hand or foot which are also excessively large and uneven. — perisso-dactylate, perissodactylic, perissodactylous, adj.podagragout affecting the foot. — podagral, podagric, podagrical, podagrous, adj.podiatrya medical specialty concerned with the care and treatment of the foot. Also called podology. — podiatrist, n. — podiatric, adj.podologypodiatry.polydactylismthe condition of having more than the normal number of toes or fingers. — polydactylous, adj.sexdigitista person who has six fingers or six toes.talipesclubfoot; the state or condition of having a clubfoot. — taliped, adj.